19 Things I'll Be Doing After the COVID-19 Lockdown

And now, as a more hopeful counterpoint to my previous post, here are 19 Things I’ll Be Doing After the COVID-19 Lockdown. Before I begin, however, I must make clear that I understand that any return to “normal” will most likely be gradual as opposed to immediate. As wonderful as it is to imagine the end of lockdown as a drawbridge being lowered and all of us spilling out into flower-filled fields representative of our new-found freedom, I highly doubt that this will be the case. Likewise, not everything on this list is something I will be doing immediately; certain things will have to wait until the time is right, while others will only be feasible when the relevant restrictions are lifted. In any event, I can’t wait.

  1. Savouring every last sip of each oat milk flat white I drink — I’ve only been able to make black coffee at home, and I just miss that mouthfeel, you know?

  2. Experimenting with make-up more, because someone other than me will actually get to see it.

  3. Hugging anyone who will let me, because I’m a hugger, and this situation has been especially hard on our kind.

  4. Hopefully finding some form of gainful employment, even if it is only temporary.

  5. Seeing more of my family who live in other parts of the country. As soon as non-essential train travel is deemed safe, I’m coming for you all.

  6. Eating my body weight in pumpkin katsu curry and vegetable yakisoba at Yo! Sushi.

  7. Buying beauty products from actual human beings, and not just via Cult Beauty. (No offence though, Cult Beauty. You’ve been a beacon of light in this dark, dark time.)

  8. Attending beginner’s yoga classes at one of the many great studios here in the North East.

  9. Inevitably doing lots of preliminary reading for my Masters.

  10. Catching up with friends over coffee and/or lunch and being one hundred percent present for it.

  11. Going to the cinema to see anything and everything. My god, have I missed the cinema.

  12. Getting my eyebrows seen to by Jess at TINT Brow Bar in Newcastle because good lord do they look feral right now.

  13. Kissing. (I have absolutely no idea who I think I’m going to be kissing, or when, but hopefully this becomes a regular feature of my life again some day. It is a simple thing that I have never taken for granted and I miss it.)

  14. Starting surfing lessons at a brilliant women’s surf school just down the road from me.

  15. Travelling in a mindful manner, and never losing sight of what a great privilege it is to be able to do so.

  16. Spending significantly more time outdoors, and hopefully even camping with whoever will have me.

  17. Being more experimental with what I wear because, well, see number 2.

  18. Taking up bouldering at the wonderful climbing wall here in Newcastle.

  19. Continuing to diligently wash my hands and keep a safe distance from others wherever required in the hope that nothing like this ever happens again.

This piece was originally published on Part Time Beauty in 2020.


5 Books for Hard Times


19 Things I've Been Doing During the COVID-19 Lockdown