19 Things I've Been Doing During the COVID-19 Lockdown

I thought long and hard about whether or not to write anything pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic but, however I looked at it, it seemed wrong to gloss over this grisly moment in history with nought but reviews of skincare and tools (as much as I continue to appreciate such things). Because, let’s be clear: this has been bad, bad for all of us, and the implications for our mental and physical wellbeing have been huge. And although I’ve seen some admirable attempts from influencers and other “internet people” to put a positive spin on the situation, I personally cannot put too fine a point on the fact that you do not need to put a positive spin on a global pandemic, even if you’re the sort of person who usually looks for silver linings. All any of us can really do is just muddle through, and look forward to a time when we can talk about these horrors in the past tense.

As for muddling through, we each have a different version of what this looks like, or has looked like. It could be that you’re trying to juggle working from home with parenting multiple children who would usually be at school, and that your sanity is hanging by the flimsiest of threads. It could be that you’ve undertaken seventeen different arts-and-crafts projects and taught yourself an obscure Slavic language just for the hell of it. Or it could be that you’ve been furloughed from your usual employment, and are simply hammering your Netflix subscription so as to finally get your money’s worth. There is no right or wrong.

So, without further ado, here are 19 Things I’ve Been Doing During the COVID-19 Lockdown. I do hope you get something out of reading these, and I would love to hear what the rest of you have (or haven’t) been doing with yourselves. In the meantime, stay safe, stay strong, and stay well.

  1. Drinking far too much coffee.

  2. Generally not wearing make-up, despite having ample time to play with it.

  3. Actually playing the actual piano.

  4. Applying for, and eventually being accepted onto, an MA in Cross-Cultural Communication and International Management at Newcastle University. All being well, I will begin my studies in September.

  5. Speaking to a therapist once a week, because it had all gone to hell in a handcart even before COVID-19 came along, and I imagine I would have disintegrated by now otherwise.

  6. Assiduously avoiding doing yoga and/or baking banana bread.

  7. Receiving emails from Hermes informing me that my parcel from Cult Beauty Limited is out for delivery…again.

  8. Going for daily walks along the beach that I am fortunate to live next to.

  9. Resurrecting my rusty Japanese skills — I quit studying Japanese after half a term as an undergraduate and regret it to this day.

  10. Grappling with existential dread because, let’s be honest, even if you happen to be on the more introverted side, this situation is not natural or healthy.

  11. Redecorating my bedroom.

  12. Safely selling all of my worldly possessions via Depop and eBay.

  13. Actually playing the actual guitar.

  14. Undertaking various Google certifications such as Analytics for Beginners and The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing. I have no idea why.

  15. Probably texting my ex-boyfriend too much, but then it's hard to know what the rules are during a pandemic…

  16. Reading in a shaft of bright sunlight on my front doorstep with only birdsong and other ambient noise for company. In these moments, everything almost seems alright.

  17. Having Friends on constantly in the background as I belong to a generation for whom this is an enormous source of comfort.

  18. Applying for the odd job in spite of everything ostensibly being on hold.

  19. Thinking about all the fun, life-affirming things I was doing this time last year and having to resist the urge to weep, but then reminding myself that this will all be over at some point, and that the good times will return.

This piece was originally published on Part Time Beauty in 2020.


19 Things I'll Be Doing After the COVID-19 Lockdown


The Part Time Beauty Hall of Fame: Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler