The Part Time Beauty Hall of Fame: Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler

When it comes to eyelash curlers, I’ve noticed that people tend to fall into two distinct camps: those who are terrified of them, and those who are terrified of being without them. As I have used one practically every day since I turned thirteen, and have never been known to apply mascara without curling my eyelashes first, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that I fall into the latter category. And in my sixteen or so years of eyelash curler use, I have tried a great many of them, albeit with varying degrees of success…

There have been good ones, such as those made by Kevyn Aucoin and Troy Surratt, and some not-so-good ones, including but not limited to those offered by MAC and No7, and then there have been some which were almost, almost perfect, such as the ones produced by Shiseido and Utowa. However, none of these could compare to the fabled Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler, which has rightly received numerous accolades over the years, and which I have purchased at least half a dozen times myself.

Given that I am not an engineer and am in no way involved in manufacturing eyelash curlers, I cannot exactly say what it is that makes the Shu Uemura ones so good. What I can do, however, is refer to an old HuffPost article: “[it] has a patented hinge to provide the right amount of pressure on eyelashes” and “a curved angle with mushroom-shaped silicone padding to protect lashes and suit all eye shapes, including hooded eyes and almond eyes.” This pretty much covers it, but what I love most about the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler in particular (and what I believe sets it apart from many others on the market) is that it provides a lasting curl, rather than an instant one that drops out within an hour. Also, it doesn’t crimp the lashes, as many others are prone to doing.

Alas, it isn’t all good news. As of 2017, the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler is no longer available in the UK — in fact, with the exception of haircare, no Shu Uemura products are. As such, my inducting it into the Part Time Beauty Hall of Fame is a bit of a look-what-you-could-have-won! moment, but as it is the best performing product in its category, it had to be done. You can still find Shu Uemura products in several major markets around the world, however, so keep your eyes peeled if you happen to be based outside the UK.

Finally, although it probably seems counterintuitive, I can confirm for the sake of my UK-based readers that the Shiseido version is the next best thing. In fact, it is what I am using at the moment, and it is the only other one whose results I am remotely satisfied with. I’ve got everything crossed that they won’t withdraw from the UK market, too!

So, does the Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler get your vote? Let us know in the comments, or via our Instagram page. :)

This piece was originally published on Part Time Beauty in 2020.


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