My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 4

Today’s abdominal treatment is scheduled for a bright and early 7.45 a.m., so I get up well in advance to complete all of my “chores”. I head down to Dr Brauer who, being a doctor and all, once again asks how I am doing. I tell her that, although I expected to have terrible headaches due to the lack of caffeine, the only disturbance I am experiencing is floaters in my vision, seemingly all the time. She assures me that this is normal, and explains that in Chinese medicine the eyes and the liver are connected. I have no way of proving or disproving this, but based on what I am currently experiencing, it seems plausible enough.

Breakfast today consists of manchego cheese and boiled potatoes, another triumph in my book. The fact that you get a little jug of ghee and a pot of herbs to garnish your potatoes with is something I am very much in favour of, too. I might be on the most restrictive diet that Vivamayr has to offer, and I really have no idea why, but at least I get to have a modicum of fun. After breakfast I return to my room and, with Friends on in the background courtesy of Netflix, I set about applying a ton of make-up for no reason.

Although popular opinion has it that day three is the hardest, day four is definitely proving more of a struggle for me. I can neither relax nor focus, and my brain feels as though it is circling my head awaiting a safe slot in which to land, like a 747 at Heathrow. I somehow manage to see off a few hours from the quiet of my room, and before I know it, it's lunchtime. I opt for some sort of smoked fish, supplemented with not one but two portions of potatoes. You know, just to be on the safe side…

As I don’t have any appointments this afternoon, I begin half-heartedly attempting a few job applications, before realising that half-heartedly is no way to attempt a job application and promptly putting the exercise on hold. (Besides, most of the people in my life, and even several guests here at Vivamayr, have told me not to think about it until I get back. That, and, it doesn’t exactly go with the whole digital detox which they encourage here.) I duly put all my gadgets away and pick up my copy of Emilie Pine’s Notes to Self instead.

At dinner I am delighted to discover that I have graduated from clear broth to — wait for it — actual pumpkin soup! I cannot overstate how happy it makes me just to have something with some taste and viscosity to it. I’m even given some soya bread on the side, which is a bonus. I end up turning in a little later than I have done on previous nights, pleased to be able to put the “hump” of days three and four behind me.

This piece was originally published on Part Time Beauty in 2020.


My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 5


My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 3