My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 5

My fifth day at Vivamayr falls on a Saturday, so my schedule is mercifully devoid of any medical interference — although, compared to many other guests, it doesn’t sound as though I’ve subjected myself to all that much anyway. (Three cheers for being out of work and thus extra concerned about receiving that final bill, ha.) In any event, I wake up feeling good, almost disconcertingly so in fact, and quickly set about completing all my morning tasks. I can say with some confidence that I will not miss the Vivamayr mouth oil in any way, shape or form, in spite or perhaps because of how effective it may be.

Breakfast is a decadent feast, or what at least feels like a decadent feast, of scrambled egg and boiled potatoes. I douse both in the fresh herbs and linseed oil so generously provided by the restaurant team. Garnishing various foodstuffs in this way has fast become the highlight of my days here, especially in the absence of caffeine and sugar. Although reading during mealtimes is frowned upon at Vivamayr, I’m so engrossed in the aforementioned Notes to Self by Emilie Pine that I have to keep it to hand as I chew my potatoes the required forty to sixty times.

At around 10 a.m., a small group of us set off on an excursion to the nearby town of Bad Aussee. As it is only three miles away from Vivamayr, the journey by minibus takes just a few minutes. It is in Bad Aussee that I go off the rails slightly, or as off the rails as you can go when you don’t drink, or smoke, or take any drugs that weren’t directly prescribed to you: I split off from the group and go to a café. Where I order a coffee. And a piece of cake! Clearly I didn’t consume enough herbs or oil to scratch the caffeine-and-sugar itch that’s been niggling away behind the scenes since day one, or maybe, just maybe, I really fancied some coffee and cake. Either way, it is amazing how much more you appreciate the little things like a cup of coffee and a slice of cake after you’ve been deprived of them for any length of time. I doubt I’ll ever enjoy elevenses as much again.

It is lunchtime when we return to Vivamayr and, after texting my father, brother, and what I suppose is now my ex-boyfriend (sob) to tell them all about how I’ve fallen off the wagon, I head down to the dining area. Lunch today is manchego cheese and boiled potatoes and, sensing that I’m going to be presented with nought but clear broth tonight, I make sure to ask for an extra helping of potatoes. After lunch, I leave my phone in my room as per official Vivamayr rules and spend most of the afternoon reading and writing in the lobby. A fellow guest tells me I must be the most hard-working person there. I suppose I have been overcompensating somewhat. Even amidst the serene surroundings of Vivamayr, being idle scares me. On returning to my room, I publish the first two posts about my time here, which feels slightly strange given that I haven’t left yet.

As I suspected, dinner is clear broth. No potatoes, no chew-training bread, just broth. It isn’t even bad, but what I wouldn’t give for something with some texture! I sip it, because what else am I supposed to do, and read a few more chapters of Notes to Self. Reading about Emilie Pine’s struggles helps to put my own in perspective, and so I am very grateful to whichever previous guest saw fit to leave the book behind. The rest of the evening proves uneventful, and I fall into bed far earlier than I ever would at home. I suppose day five has been alright, really…

This piece was originally published on Part Time Beauty in 2020.


My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 6


My Stay at Vivamayr Altaussee: Day 4